Camellia Collection



Origins of the East, the first Camellias arrive in Galicia (Spain) in the 17th century from Portugal. The Atlantic coast of North Portugal and Northwest Spain, due to its temperate, humid climate and acid and fertile soil, meets excellent conditions for an optimal development, even of delicate species.

There are more than 30,000 different varieties, depending on the size, shape, color, margin of their flowers, petals and leaves



Its flowering season is between September and April. Contrary to what happens in other plants of the garden, the flowering of the Camellia is staggered in time, although the rigors of the winter or its extreme softness delay or anticipate flowering time.
Flowering time is a genetic factor, as is resistance to cold. Some Camellias stand out because of their early flowering, such as C. sasanquas.



Ideal for garden or terrace, they are resistant to frost if they are protected, mainly the roots. They need slightly shaded areas avoiding direct exposures to the sun during the main hours of the day. Pay regularly, the appropriate time is spring. After flowering prune them slightly. Use acid earth, pH 4.5-5.5.

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