Cookies Policy

On the web we use cookies to facilitate visitors relate to our content and allow to draw up statistics on the visitors we receive.


In accordance with Directive 2009/136/EC, developed in our legal system by the second paragraph of article 22 of the Law of Services of the Information Society, following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, proceed to inform you in detail the use that is made on our website.


Cookies to a few small files that are saved in the browser used by each visitor to our Web site so that the server can remember that user later visit when you return to access our content are called. This information does not reveal your identity or any personal data, or access content stored on your pc, but it allows our system to identify you as a particular user who already visited the website previously, displayed certain pages, etc.and also allows you to save your personal preferences and technical information such as the visits or specific pages you visit.


The purpose of cookies is the facilitate the User faster access to selected Services.


If you don’t want to save cookies on your browser or prefer to receive information each time a cookie request installed, you can configure your navigation options to make it that way. Most browsers allow cookies management in 3 different ways:

  • The cookies are always rejected;
  • The browser asks if the user wants to install each cookie;
  • The cookies are always accepted;


Your browser can also include the possibility of selecting detailed cookies that wants you to be installed on your computer. In particular, the user can normally accept any of the following options:

  • reject cookies from certain domains;
  • reject cookies from third parties;
  • accept cookies as non-persistent (deleted when the browser is closed);
  • allow the server to create cookies for a different domain.


To allow, know, block or delete cookies installed on your computer you can do so by setting the options of the browser installed on your computer.


You can find information about how to configure the browsers most commonly used in the following locations:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet -> Privacy -> Configuration options. For more information, you can consult the Microsoft support or the browser’s help.
  • Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult the Mozilla support or the browser’s help.
  • Chrome: Configuration -> Show Advanced Options -> Privacy -> Content Settings. For more information, you can consult the Google support or the browser’s help.
  • Safari: Preferences -> Seguridad. For more information, you can consult the Apple support or the browser’s help.


With respect to cookies from third parties, that is, those that are alien to our website, not can make us responsible for the content and accuracy of the privacy policies that they include the information we offer is always with reference to the source.


Then we inform you in detail of cookies that can be installed from our website. Depending on your navigation you can install all or only some of them.


Name Category Description Property Duration
_ga Analysis Used to differentiate users. Third parties 2 years
_gid Analysis Used to differentiate users. Third parties 24 hours
wordpress_ Functionality Activated during the login and stores the details of authentication. Own 1 year
wordpress_logged_in_ Functionality Activated during the login and stores the details of authentication. Own 1 year
wp-settings- Functionality It serves to customize the User Interface. Own 1 year
wp-settings-time- Functionality It serves to customize the User Interface. Own Ending the session
gadwp_wg_default_dimension Functionality Manage the management of access to the web and the display of images. Own 1 week
gadwp_wg_default_metric Functionality Manage the management of access to the web and the display of images. Own 1 week
_icl_current_admin_language_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Functionality Stores a value of language for the web site. Third parties Ending the session
_drip_client_6994213 Functionality It aims to improve the user experience. Own Nagging
_icl_current_language Functionality Stores a value of language for the web site. Third parties Ending the session


You can modify this Cookie Policy depending on legislative, regulatory requirements, or in order to accommodate the instructions handed down by the Spanish Agency of Data Protection Policy, so are advised to users that visit it periodically.


When significant changes in this Cookies Policy, informs users well via the web or via email to registered users.

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